Thursday, March 12, 2009

One more reason on why I need double eyelid surgery

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Because today in bio lab, when we were asked to experiment with various slides under microscopic view, I kept seeing hideously long stick like creatures moving like mad under every slide which kept blocking my view of the plant cells.

Irritated, I made a fuss about how every slide was contaminated with said stick like creatures.

However, after peering into my scope, no one saw anything unusual.

Turns out those were my eyelashes instead. FML.


Anonymous said...

Haha you know FML too!! I swear that place is awesome. I just finished a test today and I spent the entire afternoon reading over 20 pages worth....

Ammy said...

hmmph, and to thin we were planning on getting our eyes done together HMMPH!!!!

hana said...

@fay: I KNOW RIGHT! I didn't know there were so many unlucky people in this world XD Some are like effing hilarious lol life is harsh.

@ammy: we are not. because I am poor. And also because I trust that what chan guy here only.

Unknown said...

U got bio subjects for accounting? o.o

hana said...

@lance: US education system is different. besides our major, we all have to fulfill the general education (GE) requirements which includes science courses to liberal arts courses or commerce. basically so we have a rough idea on all subject fields. The GE is just an intro to each of those subjects though and we only go deeper in subjects related to our major :) Most of our first two years are devoted to GE before we start on our majors.

Btw, i'm no longer majoring in acct either.

Unknown said...

what are you majoring now?

hana said...

i want to be a dentist.

am majoring in sociology now.

why not biology? because to get into dental school you can major in anything you want and i rather not spend my days memorizing a gazillion body parts when i can take an easier more interesting course lol.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! LOL! FAIL LA! eyelashes rofl hahahahahahahahhahaha. this made my day hahahahhahaha

Anonymous said...

blonde moment lol

hana said...

@jason: GLAD I made your day then hmph. And stop laughing. I swear it wasn't funny that time. More like damn irritating haha. Bah small eyes, you big eyed people will never comprehend our sufferings *insufferable sigh*