Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I may not know how to cook (well, technically I can cook but need recipe book one and 'everyday chai' limited to veggies and steam or fried fish.....wth I am hopeless) but I can set up furniture from Ikea =D

After one hour of screwing, nailing and -- you know this sounds so wrong. Let me rephrase that. After one hour of tightening the screws, hammering -ha, sounds much better- and putting everything together I now have 3 very chio furniture (not pink cause daddy forbid T_T ):

Chio cause I built it ok. By myself no less. If you've assembled one before please keep it to yourself and let me bask in my pride of assembling 3 in a go for the first time in my life.

So perfect la. Save 50 bucks on delivery service again =D I didn't even bother to look at the instructions after assembling the first dresser. What the pie Ikea should so hire me as their employee or something.

My life is seriously a 360 degree turn from what it used to be. Assembling Ikea furniture now. And getting blisters all over my hands thanks to the stupid pie of a screwdriver. Never had to do that before cause all my furniture were custom made or delivered all assembled together back then.

I miss my life before T__T

Anyway, one last pic:

Had that for breakfast and omg it's delicious =D No wonder Massu raves about it. It's Xiao Long Bao by the way.

I love dim sum. So cute.

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