Saturday, October 27, 2007

What Fruit Are You?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Conversation at the dining table during desserts...

Daddy: What fruit do you want to be?

4th sis: *child-like simplicity* So silly. Why would I want to be a fruit?

Us: Hahahahaha.

Daddy: *annoyed*Just pick one la ok?

3rd sis: Fine. Dragonfruit. Cause got dragon in it. So I am powerful.

2nd sis: Durian. So I would be KING of all fruits. Muhahaha.

Me: Strawberries? Sweet.

4th sis: Watermelon cause it's juicy!!!

Us: You leh daddy?

Daddy: I shall be a banana because.........the seed is in the heart of the fruit *smiling smugly cause he thinks his line is sibeh romantic*


2nd sis: *smirks* OH YEAH?!?! Bananas are grown from suckers.


****Bananas are grown not from seeds but suckers****

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