For 18 years, I hated myself. I hated how I looked. How I was the only dark one among family members and peers. Everywhere I looked, be it magazines, tv or blogs, being pretty meant having fair skin. I felt frustrated every time I went shopping because all models advertising their products were fair skinned and I felt like I could never look as good as them. Makeup was depressing because every salesperson didn't know how to work with darker skin tones and all the guidebooks they gave me were filled with yet more pale Asian models. So over the years, I started spending tons of money buying whitening products and hid from the sun whenever possible; but nothing ever worked. I was still as tan as ever.
I felt hopeless and depressed.
Then along came Hyori and suddenly I realized that darker skin tones could be pretty too. In fact, after further experimentations, I discover that most products actually looked better on darker skin tones compared to light. Slowly but surely, I started learning to love myself for who I am and realized that you are what you make yourself to be.
I know I still rant about how I wished I was born fairer every now and then but deep down inside....
dude i know EXACTLY what you mean. i've always have this weird dark "dayak face" my entire fucking life. but i've been using this facial whitening thing and now, i'm a lot paler than before. i guess some of us aren't as good in embracing our so called "negative" points than others =\
but really hor, pimples look SOOOOO much more obvious with pale skin T___T GODDAMN YOU PMS SKIN!!!! GODDAMN YOU TO HELL!!
Why compete with fairer people and not look half as good as them when you can look something they totally can't? Eg. exotic? lol.
Haha pimples. Use concealer? Although that would just cause more breakouts wth lol.
Lee Hyori sure is a beauty. and my sis went to her concert at Korea just last winter. damn =O
@eiChi: she's like my effing idol <333 Your sister went to Korea??? WHY DIDN'T SHE SMUGGLE SOME HOT GUYS BACK? LOL.
dayyuumm i like what u did with ur eyes!! <3!!
like , mana boleh ??!! megan fox is super tan and she's like super hot now what ...... and personally right , i think being fair is kinda outdated . i prefer girls to be more outgoing and more tan
@abi: thanks! haha the magic of circle lenses and makeup <3
@Ivan: oh yeah, try growing up during my time. FAIR was in :C I honestly hated my skin then. Its like 'you're dark, you're ugly' *shrugs
lol Megan Fox. She's caucasian. Asians are still very narrow minded ok ask them describe the perfect girl and its thin thin pale pale one with long straight jet black hair and talk very softly LOL.
Haha welcome to the bright side then XD
It's so weird that what is "beautiful" in one culture is "ugly" in another. I have blonde hair and really fair skin so it's almost impossible for me to get a tan, and where I'm from,(Sweden), you are suppose to have a "healthy glow", you are suppose to have a tan. At first I hated my fair skin and that I couldn't stay outside in the sun for to long because I'll get a really bad sun-burn, but now I don't care anymore, I just learnt to accept it.^_^
And if you ask me, I think you look very beautiful!^_^
@maria: I never knew that being fair was considered 'ugly' in other cultures! That's weird...
Blonde hair and fair skin would make you the envy of Asian girls I'm sure of that and both Asian guys and girls would deem you exotic <3
And yeah, learning to accept it... Its the hardest part but the happiest once you get over it :D
@all "tan" asians: Seriously, who even notices? I know I dont. How tan can you get anyway? Unless you're like Malay lar. Otherwise -_-" I know for a fact that when I walk around I would say "OMG SO WHITE LIKE HANTU" and NEVER "OMG SO TAN LIKE CHAO TA"
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